file Frage I can't home X axis

04 Nov 2017 21:20 #51058 von hmatyas
I can't home X axis wurde erstellt von hmatyas
I had a stuck lX axis and the machine location went negative.
Now I can Home the Z and the Y axis. When I home the X axis it goes to the end and stops.
It then locks up. Before I home it, I can move positive X but not negative X.
When the X axis stops, it is at a negative 2,129.
When I first turn on the machine, I can move the x axis positive, not negative, but it then Homes.
If I touch the X limit switch it does activate.

I don't know what to do.

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05 Nov 2017 02:56 #51060 von hmatyas
hmatyas antwortete auf I can't home X axis
I restarted Stepcraft and UCCNC. I moved the X axis far away from the X limit switch.
I then hit the Home all button.
As the X axis approached the limit switch, I touch the switch with my finger.
The machine then Homed the Y axis.
Tomorrow, I will try again to see why the X axis limit switch does not get depressed when it goes to the end of the rail.
After I figure out and fix the X axis homing problem, I will clean and grease everything. Then I need to repair my compressor so
that I can use the ATC with the compressor and I can start making things!!!!!!

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