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David Browne
Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Okt 14, 2014
Last seen: Jun 28, 2017
Themen: 3 / Antworten: 16
420/2: Scheibe blockiert Referenzschalter

I had this problem building my 840. I think that washer needs to be smaller or the hole in the bracket bigger. I got my machine together but, when...

Vor 9 Jahren
Hello from a prospective Stepcraft owner

Hmm, I understand from one of the German posts on this forum that Stepcraft have confirmed that the forthcoming Stepcraft 2 range have a higher portal...

Vor 10 Jahren
Hello from a prospective Stepcraft owner

Hi DrillDevil! Yes, I figured 40-45mm might be too much. I wonder whether it would be feasible to cut it two sided, so the maximum cut depth from ...

Vor 10 Jahren
Replies: 6
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