David Browne
Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Okt. 14, 2014
Last seen: Juni 28, 2017
Themen: 3 / Antworten: 16
Eurotools24 G-500 miller

Hmm.. I like the stronger motors and ballscrews, but a couple of things would concern me. The machine frame doesn't look as rigid as the Stepcraft 2,...

Vor 9 Jahren
Cutting Plastazote with Donek drag knife

I use Sheetcam to generate my toolpaths - never used any of the Vectric stuff. This swivels the knife on the corners, which enables sharp corners etc...

Vor 9 Jahren
Drag Knife - Securing Material

I've done a lot of work with both the Stepcraft and Donek drag knives, and I would say Rory's right - a vacuum table is really the only way to go. ...

Vor 9 Jahren
UCCNC jogging.

Check that no text input boxes are highlighted. It's not enough just for the jog panel to be visible, if UCCNC is expecting keyboard input anywhere th...

Vor 9 Jahren
Machine lubricants?

Hi all, Can anyone clarify for me what lubricant to use on the X, Y, Z threaded spindles? My machine is a 2/840 with brass (rather than plastic) s...

Vor 10 Jahren
UNCNC Settings for HF350

This is the UCCNC configuration I'm using. You need to connect the supplied D connector from the back of the HF spindle controller box to the match...

Vor 10 Jahren
UNCNC Settings for HF350

Do you mean UCCNC? If so, I can help (assuming it works the same way as the HF500).

Vor 10 Jahren
Y-axis loosing steps

So, I've found that with a medium or light payload (HF500 with Donek dragknife, or Stepcraft dragknife) my 840 (standard) appears to run rapids at 400...

Vor 10 Jahren
Kress or Stepcraft HS Spindle?

BTW your SC V2 should be rated to take the weight of the Kress.

Vor 10 Jahren
Kress or Stepcraft HS Spindle?

I have both the HF500 and the Kress. The Kress is more powerful (at the spindle) but a lot more noisy. The HF500 has the advantage that spindle peed ...

Vor 10 Jahren
Hi from a prospective owner

I'd really second the recommendation from david. You only read good things about the support given by stoneyCNC. So, if you expect or see the slightes...

Vor 10 Jahren
Hi from a prospective owner

Many thanks, I had tried the German pages in the mean time. I have also done a lot of online research and do think the 600 is big enough for my use....

Vor 10 Jahren
CNC-plus.de: no delivery, no reply and no answer phone?

I ordered two vac tables from them on 25th March, got an order confirmation but hadn't heard anything else or received anything. Chased by email on 5t...

Vor 10 Jahren
Replies: 4
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