Last seen: Jan. 28, 2019
And a picture of it ofc... Well cant get image to work..
Got finally after 1.5 weeks my new Ender 2 3D printer so I can make an adapter for my old Old Power craft (Dremel copy) that is bound together for it'...
Hello there 🙂 new too...
For now i run all jobs one at time, i enable Tool change in Mach3, so i can now start use all path in one file and manual tool change, but not before ...
I got a setup to Mach from my dealer, i did have to change the Softlimits settings so G28 could be use, but not change anything else.. still waiting f...
I really wont have it go to back/left after a job, so i keep the 1 G28 to go safe up, but remove the last G28 XY and keep Z there to, much better if i...
Got it to work with Z max=0 Min=-130 off=0.. 🙂 Thx Only funny thing, if i manually run axis the slowdown in near end works fine,, but with the G...
Mann how many time i have lost my post to timeout here...
So i testet some... X= max=299,0,,,,,Min=0,0,,,,,,,Off=0,0 y= max=418,0,,,,,Min=0,0,,,,,,,Off=418,0 X= max=130,0,,,,,Min=0,0,,,,,,,Off=130,0 ...
Hello,, no not yet, havend had the machine started yet, had a busy week 🙂
How can you see one have a 2. Generation, just got my 420 last week..
You can but a minor one, i think it is Kress 540 FM, much lighter and 500w, BUT only one speed...
Hello,, no but i will look into that 🙂 Thx.
Thx i will test that 🙂