New Member
Beigetreten: Juli 2, 2019
Last seen: Juli 20, 2019
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 4
Motor upgrade

I don't disagree with you, coming from a multicam mt with a 9hp motor requires massive adjustment. That said the X axis stall on the 840 is simply un...

Vor 6 Jahren
aluminum cut

Doug, what sort of cut did you do with the 20mm aluminium? I have spent the last 9 days!!!! trying to machine some relatively simple parts for a frie...

Vor 6 Jahren
Motor upgrade

Right, so after much research and deliberation I decided this mod has to be done, without it, I cannot trust my machine. I checked the thermal temps ...

Vor 6 Jahren
Motor upgrade

Hi All Hope this is the correct thread, seems so. I have recently put the Y axis upagrade, which lets be honest should have come with the machine...

Vor 6 Jahren