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Active Member
Beigetreten: Dez 15, 2018
Last seen: Dez 4, 2021
Themen: 1 / Antworten: 4
How to align a workpiece to Y & X axes ?

Have you thought about creating a jig to hold your four work pieces, then setting an M button in UCCNC to repeatedly find this zero?

Vor 4 Jahren
Permanent X and Y position on a 840

Hi. I set my M55,M56, and M57 in UCCNC to specific location on my spoiler board. (Upper left, lower left, and lower right respectively). I then use my...

Vor 4 Jahren
OptLaser 6W wiring and config Stepcraft 2/D/840 with UCCNC

HI. I'm very new to the SC family and even newer to the OptLaser. I ran into this problem using the "Stepcraft_Laser_INCH_PWM" post processing. i t...

Vor 6 Jahren
OptLaser 6W wiring and config Stepcraft 2/D/840 with UCCNC

Hello. I recently purchased an 840 and an OptLaser. still working out the kinks with the software. any advice? I'm using V-Carve and UCCNC and I c...

Vor 6 Jahren
Replies: 1
Views: 3430