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Beigetreten: Jul 28, 2017
Last seen: Jul 28, 2017
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 3
long road.finally machine set up and dust box made

That is BEAUTIFUL! Where did you get those glass doors? I was trying to source doors like that, and I could not find them. If you don't mind, could...

Vor 7 Jahren
Post processor in Fusion 360

Try this link to download a Stepcraft Post Processor: There is a StepCraft/UCCNC Post there. Good Luck!

Vor 7 Jahren
long road.finally machine set up and dust box made

I would love to see a photo of your dust box. I was contemplating buying the Enclosure from Stepcraft, but $1199 is a lot for a case, no matter how we...

Vor 7 Jahren