Last seen: Juli 24, 2017
MMorao, The screws in question are the ones that adjust the tension on the x-axis brass rollers. I think your suggestion would work with many of the o...
Did you check to see if there is looseness in the Z or X axes rollers?
Doc, just so you're aware. I've had a similar issue as well. My wife was running the machine a couple of weeks ago and the photo shows what the result...
I fully agree Richard777. I've had mine for 3 months and have only been able to complete 1 simple text cutout in 1/8"(3mm) plywood. I tune & retu...
Yes, I'm familiar with the different types. Thank you for thinking to post this though, I do appreciate it. Zeke
Thanks Rory, I'm going to get some loctite and give this a try.
Doug, I'm in agreement with you on the size of the machine, but I differ in the type of guides for the axes. I think that linear bearings on all ...
I am having a major issue with my X axis. I was cutting a simple profile of a bit of text (1/2"(15mm) MDF with a 1/4"(6mm) 2 flute upcut bit, 16000rpm...
That's odd. I wonder why my seat won't read what I enter in the field.
Thanks for the reply DocBrown. I don't understand what you mean by the profile being write protected. What I attempted was entering a new profile name...
I found it, it was on the UCCNC CD. I just had a brain fart