Radu Constantin Matasa
Active Member
Beigetreten: Mai 22, 2015
Last seen: Nov. 28, 2015
Themen: 1 / Antworten: 5
Vor 9 Jahren
Basic Mach3 configuration data

Guys, the people at stoneycnc.co.uk helped me out. Although I didn't bought the 840 from them they offered to share with me the xml file for setting u...

Vor 10 Jahren
Replies: 1
Views: 6033
Basic Mach3 configuration data

I fiddled with it some more and 133.(3) is 100% correct. Thank you. What throw me off was the fact that the sample file roadrunner is so small! You...

Vor 10 Jahren
Basic Mach3 configuration data

Thank you! I tried that and the scale is way to small, basically reduced to just a point. Probably something else is wrong also but I can't figure it ...

Vor 10 Jahren
Basic Mach3 configuration data

Same here. On the 840 200 steps per unit is way off. Hope somebody has the correct answer.

Vor 10 Jahren