Last seen: Okt. 6, 2024
Hi, Glad you've cured your problem, though I cannot understand how the soft limit change can rectify the symptoms shown so well in your video Th...
Have you homed the machine?
Chris, Sounds as though the M31 macro is faulty. Z should lower quickly to touch sensor, retract and then lower slowly to find exact position, the...
Hi Julius, Is not the longitudinal free play on the leadscrew set by the position of the pulley (part 62) on the end of the leadscrew? I think if y...
Hi, I know he's not in the US, but Rory (StoneyCNC) has a suitable VFD industrial grade spindle soon to be available. Not sure of pricing in USA, bu...
My HF350 is almost ready for the scrap heap!! Tried it again today more in hope than anger - more excruciating noises from the bearings!! Reasoni...
Eagle 8.0.2 installed and tested for toolpath generation. Over 6 runs, every time has been correct so far !!!!!! But so has Eagle 8.0.1 now - no ...
Another update after further testing on Rev 8.0.1. 1) "Pcbgode" reverted to generating an incorrect toolpath again after several correct ones - don...
Hi qdewolf, That is what I discovered early on. Mainly due to the changes in the "Delete Polygon" command in Rev 8, I had inadvertently deleted par...
Hi, After a LOT of experimentation I have finally managed to get Eagle 8.0.1 to generate what appears to be an electrically correct pcb "etch" file...
Hi, More problems with Eagle 8.0.1 generating pcb milling files!! When running the pcb2gcode program on the same file but loaded into different ...
Hi, Update on my previous post - I discovered that the board layout which failed to generate the full suite of etching files was missing a critical...