Last seen: Okt. 6, 2024
It seems there has been no change to the forum format that appeared a couple of weeks ago . I've attached a screen shot of how the Forum appears on...
Hi, Some thoughts!! Assuming that the problem only exists on the Z-axis (you've already checked this I take it) 1) If only the Z axis ...
Hi Tonp, It sounds highly likely that your machine is loosing steps - probably on the Y-axis. It is notoriously difficult to get this axis "tun...
Hi, If you need a copy of XP, there is plenty of choice on Ebay. For example at :- If your laptop is quite old, it may not be able to handle W...
I would be very suspicious of the Windows operating system myself - there are so many hidden operations lurking, just waiting to screw a real time ope...
Hi, For you amusement, my now defunct HF350 did a good job of keeping my coffee hot 😆 Peter
Hi Richard, Do I presume the stepper motors are not powered (can be rotated by hand), - if so check that the main power unit is giving the correct ...
Hi, There is one input linked to all three homing switches in series, opening this one line will light the X, Y,and Z limit switch indicators as we...
Hi Hartmut, Thanks for the link to the guy machining steel parts - on thinking about it again, I'm concerned now that the cutting side loads might ...
Hi cesc85, IMHO you can't go wrong using the UC100 controller - it relieves the driving PC of all the onerous timing tasks that can trip up a PC ru...
Hi, So you did the simple tests and proved it was the control board? Do give some feedback!! I'm sure there is a warranty on all parts of your ...
Hi, Need to know if you have a good test meter, and if you can make up 3 test leads to allow access to the step, direction and ground pins on the ...
Hi, The fact that the motor will operate in one direction only seems to point to a problem with the "direction" input to the stepper drive IC on th...