Last seen: Okt. 6, 2024
Hi Per, I have an HF350 rather than an HF500, other than that I use the Stepcraft supplied main PSU and air pump. All system accessory and com...
Hi, It sounds very much as though there is an earthing problem on your systems - your mains supply earth should have continuity through from wall p...
Hi Proto, I think I might have a chat to the sales manager at Moore - might be able to either get hold of an externally damaged Eichenberger ball n...
Afraid the news is not very encouraging - the Zapp Automation ball nut doesn't match the standard ball/lead screw!! At least 1/4mm backlash and an al...
Doug, Thanks for the CNC Cookbook link - I hadn't come across that before to be honest and the section on aluminium was well worth reading. Your off...
Hi Hartmut, Thanks for the suggestions. Aluminium grade is (mis)quoted as 6083T6 - I'm sure it's meant to be 6063T6, that is supposed to machine O...
Contact Rory Stoney at Stoney CNC - if anyone can help he can. Email : [email protected]
Hi Peter, I'm interested to read that you are intending to make printed wiring boards on your 420/2. I have made a number, and after several failu...
Hi Doug, I think the problem with vertical axes is that because of the low friction, a heavy assembly could back drive the ball screw and let the w...
Doug, I've assumed (and I hope I am correct!!!) that the original screws are in fact ball screws, since one enterprising user has already prepared ...
Proto, Thanks so much for that - I can complete the CAD now. Peter
That looks a really neat job. My ball nuts arrived today, so now it's the mounting adapters to machine out of aluminium. The Stepcraft will have...
Hi, Here is the link to the Zapp Automation ballnuts that I have on order. This is the best price I have seen for ball nuts anywhere and beats...
Glad you solved it and that your control board is healthy. Intermittents are a b*****d to cure!!