Last seen: Feb. 25, 2016
hi. please ask me. i will give all the information u need [email protected]
hi.this is the second time i got an answer after the one for the help. the only answer that i got after i wrote that i have already bought another ma...
hi. for my problems, i never got an answer. i wrote them 4 times including tecnical draws with the problems and never got an answer
hi. i bought the machine from the stepcraft germany. no support. i garanty you that they will never sell another machine in Italy. i'm writting in...
first problem: never got feedback. if you want i can send you all the mails i sent to the stepcraft and NEVER got an answer. anyway,perhaps i'll a...
hi. same problem. and some others too. i was lucky that someone told me about the 3mm thread pitch. i wrote to the stepcrat about the problems 3 t...
i have 5 machines in my shop.i work aluminium,brass abs,steel. the only machine that can not work is the stepcraft
hi. forget to mill/work aluminium/brass any metal.the machine can not do these jobs
buongiorno. mi chiamo marco,sono di firenze. ho un problema: ho assemblato la mcachina ma non mi riesce a fare cerchi,perché? ho un'altra macchin...