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Per Takman
Per Takman
Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Jul 16, 2016
Last seen: Okt 17, 2019
Themen: 4 / Antworten: 32
HF500 starts for no reason

After working with the UCCCNC crew it turns out that this problem may be caused by a user written plug-in (auto-leveler) that was distributed together...

Vor 8 Jahren
HF500 starts for no reason

Thanks Karoly, I've been giving it some thought and since the visual feedback is present in UCCNC for output 1 under Diagnostics it seems to me lik...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 8
Views: 4080
Minimize belt walking

Hi Sickone4, That sounds like another way forward, but I wanted to avoid wear on the side of the belt so shimming felt right for me. The hole in th...

Vor 8 Jahren
Minimize belt walking

I realized that I failed to mention that the adjustment was done to the belt tensioner. Sorry about that. The links to the videos below show before...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 5
Views: 4844
Just purchased and have a few questions

Hi Xinort, I recently purchased a machine, without any significant experience in the field, and it took me a few late evenings after work to finish...

Vor 8 Jahren
UC400 Ethernet Controller

Second update: According to, there is no disadvantage of using the default screen set file to get access to new functionality. Mean...

Vor 8 Jahren
UC400 Ethernet Controller

Update: Changing to port 2 works since of software version 1.2022. Question: Is there any disadvantage of choosing the screenset file from UCCNC in...

Vor 8 Jahren
UC400 Ethernet Controller

I now have a lead to what may be causing this. It turns out that if I change the screenset from the “Stepcraftscreenset” to the “Defaultscreenset” I h...

Vor 8 Jahren
UC400 Ethernet Controller

Hi Rory, I'm connected to port 1 of the UC400ETH. Everything works fine and I can even see the diagnostics tab react to input on port 2. I just ca...

Vor 8 Jahren
UC400 Ethernet Controller

Question regarding the I/O ports when using the UC400ETH When I start the default profile of UCCNC I can change the port setting from 0 to 2, but w...

Vor 8 Jahren
Fusion 360 Post Processor Attached in Here

Thank you for the suggestion to use minimum cutting radius! I changed the drag knife "diameter" to 50 µm and set the minimum cutting radius to 24 µ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Fusion 360 Post Processor Attached in Here

I see... maybe it will solve my problem then. Thanks for clarifying. /Per

Vor 8 Jahren
Fusion 360 Post Processor Attached in Here

Thank you for the suggestion! It almost does what I want, but from what I understand it will add a radius regardless of whether the corner is inter...

Vor 8 Jahren
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