Andre Steenveld
Andre Steenveld
Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Dez. 31, 2018
Last seen: Jan. 21, 2025
Themen: 10 / Antworten: 20
RE: Machine suddenly stops when in the middle of work

Sorry for the late reply and maybe you have already solved your problem. If the problem is triggered every few seconds then is it possible to start ...

Vor 1 Monat
RE: An english forum/page should use english names and labels.

You need to login (but that would be no prolbem). Then go to the group where you want to add a message. Look for the blue button with text "Thema ...

Vor 3 Monaten
Replies: 0
Views: 141
RE: Milling brass sheet

Hi, I have a D2/420 and done some work with brass not with sheets but with round stock 110mm and about 15 mm high with a 3mm end mill. I got goo...

Vor 4 Monaten
RE: Second sensor input usable?

Hi, I have tried this on my 420. If I remember correctly I rewired the tool length sensor for normally open.This way I could use the tool length sen...

Vor 5 Monaten
RE: A new infinite Jog Pendant - StreamDeck for UCCNC eg.

Hi Andreas, Looks good. My first impression was 'Oh, another smart phone app, thats neat!' But looking closer and some searching I found that the ...

Vor 5 Monaten
RE: Checking/meauring the flatness of the table

Hi Marc, Late answer, sorry I'm not a very regulat visitor lately.Have you solved your problem? Did you measure up your table surface and what did y...

Vor 5 Monaten
RE: Finllay got my first CNC

Hi Hayden, Welcome to the group. I'm afraid that the rest of the group is a bit mute lately. 😶 How are you doing with your end tools? Ki...

Vor 5 Monaten
RE: Hello everyone

Hi Jerry, How are you doing? Talking about ideas, what are you looking for? Stepcraft hardware is not exactly Chinese stuff. It might be a bit mor...

Vor 5 Monaten
RE: Replacement D420/2 to D420/3, what assocoires are compattible?

By now I have moved on to a new machine, a D3/600 and I'm happy with it. The quality of the D3/600 is of a level you might expect from Stepcraft, th...

Vor 5 Monaten
Tools to make life simple, UC-CNC postprocessor in FreeCAD and CncCalculator

That's awesome! I'm looking forward to doing some testing with your processor this weekend on my D840. Are there any limitations with it at this s...

Vor 4 Jahren
Stepcraft UCCNC strange estop

Hello, I have 2 Stepcraft D420 with performance kits that run the same work in parallel. They 99 % of the time stop at the same line (estop fired) an...

Vor 4 Jahren
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