Active Member
Beigetreten: Aug. 31, 2019
Last seen: Dez. 3, 2019
Themen: 1 / Antworten: 3
Vor 5 Jahren
Replies: 1
Views: 4913
Elephant Chair

I love it! nice work!

Vor 5 Jahren
X,Y, and Z axis don't work

So after few time checking the mechanical i realize my dumb mistake, it was the software, i was using the UCCNC insted of the STEPCRAFT provided, i me...

Vor 5 Jahren
X,Y, and Z axis don't work

i have the same problem here, i just assembled a 840 and any of the 3 axis move, the make some noise but there is no movement at all, please anyone ca...

Vor 5 Jahren