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Russell Libonati
Active Member
Beigetreten: Jul 9, 2017
Last seen: Mai 11, 2021
Themen: 1 / Antworten: 3
Machine not running to ends

I'm having a similar problem but only intermittently. I think what's happening in my case is there is a belt in one end of the machine. There is onl...

Vor 3 Jahren
3d Porsche - failed

Sorry to hear that. It's a real shame too, because what it did correctly looks really great. Good luck getting your piece finished.

Vor 7 Jahren
Cutting on the inside instead of outside the outline

Thank you for the reply, but I figured it out. Maybe this will help someone else. The problem was my outline was not a continuous circle, it had a...

Vor 7 Jahren
Replies: 2
Views: 3201