Last seen: Sep. 8, 2017
Would you share this part with us? Yes, But PLEASE NOTE: I have extended the legs on the larger diameter slightly so that it grips better and Than...
I tend to do a row at a time with most of my projects and try to reduce the part from lifting up by having the clamps as close as possible.
Piece by piece, I hadn't tried plastic before today. Turned out pretty good. and cheers
I broke my first cutter today on this job, and celebrated by shouting a few choice words. We had an x,y and z movement on one line, so moving from a ...
I used a bit of hardboard to clamp it down, did a row at a time and moved the hardboard and re-clamped.
Yup haha, I'm going to try selling all these decorative festive creations at a Christmas fair or two this year in stead of just making it for the fami...
The slot drill was bought years ago, can't remember where I got it from. 3mm carbide cutter. Used to mill both reindeer. Was expecting a slig...
Super stuff. What cutter did you use? I used one of my own cutters "3mm carbide" as the ones that you get with the Stepcraft cnc machine didn't fit...
Reindeer (sitting) 95 mm high 135 mm wide 23 mm thick 23 passes at 1 mm 500 mm/min Estimated time 28 mins Reindeer (standing) 130 mm high ...
🙂 This reindeer is one of two, the other reindeer will be sitting. Will post pics.
WinPC-NCStarter-Howtoinstallthedriversuccessfully.pdf Hello teknik, I don't know if this will help you or not but you could give it a try. A...