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Miguel Morao
Miguel Morao
Estimable Member
Beigetreten: Jul 27, 2016
Last seen: Jun 2, 2021
Themen: 8 / Antworten: 97
Spindle wobble

Thanks, Peter, really I need to increase friction, a soft metal band might help do the trick, hadn't thought of that. In that line of thought perhaps ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Stepcraft is an "unbaked product" and i hate it

Hi Doug, Frankly, assembling the damned thing was a horror story. It took a lot of staying power on my side, and patience and humour on Rory's, tha...

Vor 8 Jahren
Spindle wobble

Sorry, the camera decided to stop working but here's a scan from the assembly manual. See the bolt marked with a red arrow. Unless I tighten this bolt...

Vor 8 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 7
Views: 4403
Stepcraft is an "unbaked product" and i hate it

If I find an Irish reseller, then yes 😆

Vor 8 Jahren
How do you clean the screw rods??

How do you clean the screw rods? What a silly question, I shower once a day, more if needed. :whistle:

Vor 8 Jahren
Stepcraft is an "unbaked product" and i hate it

I agree it's a damnably unbaked product and I hate it too! I bought one 600 from StoneyCNC in kit form and it was a Triumph des Willens to get it asse...

Vor 8 Jahren
Fire extinguisher?

Julius, it's always better to have an Oktoberfest than a Feuerfest, but if you want one make it a big one then :woohoo: Let's see... First of all...

Vor 8 Jahren
Hello from Portugal!

It took some time, but today I had the immense pleasure of having my first test object designed by me milled out fulfilling the full cycle CAD / Cut2D...

Vor 8 Jahren
A stupid question about end-position switches

Those switches are not for stopping a machine which runs crazy. And even then. I once saw an MDF boards stack carrier and distribution robot, 4m+ t...

Vor 8 Jahren
Hello from Portugal!

Thank you again, Peter, your help is being quite precious 🙂 The assembly is going on well, no snags due to the general quality and to the "Mecha...

Vor 8 Jahren
Hello from Portugal!

As you see I am assembling the gantry uprights. I am running them temporarily in the same rail to see how they line up. I have tried to adjust the rol...

Vor 8 Jahren
Hello from Portugal!

Thank you Peter, your advice sounds entirely reasonable and I shall take it in due consideration. I find the supplied assembly instructions well thoug...

Vor 8 Jahren
Hello from Portugal!

My package duly arrived last tuesday. After a day spent in contemplation there's the working table assembled; quotes for the enclosure sent out; venti...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 8
Views: 5959
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