Last seen: Juni 2, 2021
Picking up on the thread where I'd left it, I decided to repeat that long test I had done before, the one where that had finish with a difference of s...
... 3 in 1 light machine oil ... What??? 3 in 1 light machine oil??? Don't be ridiculous, this is the only lubricant that will do the job!
I don't understand the collective whimpering about ball nuts! The way things are everyone here can claim having Big Brass Nuts :woohoo:
Hi Gruvin, The dimensions CNCMiller provided may seem a bit exaggerated but you have to bear in mind clearance for the wiring on one end opposed by...
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I received the promised small industrial quality spindle from Rory today. It looks great but I have no power supply cable...
Hang on there, Pete. As you can read in this and other threads I myself had immense trouble in getting the machine to work acceptably but I am getting...
Thanks for the advice Peter, that's what I do in general terms, what I'm missing is the grease cleaning bit but I'll try that next time. That Y screw ...
Thank you for your input Gentlemen :cheer: As a matter of fact the belt is taut enough though I cannot say how taut in BTUs/second 😆 but I know...
Losing steps as in loose clutch slipping back? That's a problem as I had already made all tasks slow in order to avoid loads. Tomorrow I'll try runnin...
Hehe, too sophisticated, I'll be using a spare Ikea dust bucket and my trusty workshop 1400W vac from Aki which I believe was designed after the SR-71...
As a former purchasing manager, I agree completely. I have no objection to kits, I object to bad kits.
I have ordered this from Banggood, €15.58. Should take some 3-4 weeks to arrive.