Active Member
Beigetreten: Aug. 3, 2016
Last seen: Jan. 21, 2020
Themen: 3 / Antworten: 4
HF Spindle 500 bagel damaged

Do you have access to some very fine watchmakers needle files - you may be able to remove some of the damaged parts of the thread so as to get the nut...

Vor 8 Jahren
HF Spindle 500 bagel damaged

Is the thread stripped? It is difficult to discern from your photograph but it looks like that might have happened if you cross threaded the nut. Y...

Vor 8 Jahren
HF Spindle 500 bagel damaged

Hi Iab, Silly question, but is the ER11 collet properly mounted in the nut - it should have "clicked" as you pressed it in. You have to get it orie...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 7
Views: 4076
Where is my serial number of Stepcraft 840?

Thank you Ubo but it's missing 🙁

Vor 9 Jahren
Replies: 0
Views: 4057