Last seen: Apr. 29, 2018
If the pendant acts like a keyboard, you can map each key to a function in UCCNC. If it acts like a controller, you can map it to keys with a free sof...
Be careful when hitting "enter", because if you typed random things on the input boxes, you'll override your current coordinates and it can crash your...
Posting a video of the issue can help a lot.
Sometimes I forget that the jogging is set to STEPS instead of Continuous mode and it can look like the machine isn't working. I suppose this is no...
Can you try opening it with QCad? It's free. QCad link
Just an idea. Use Inkscape to vectorize the png image. And then import the svg with your CAD software. [edit] mmm I'm reading that Eagle has ...
I did that, a big pocket operation at 0.25mm depth with a 20mm bit like this: But I suspect my mount is a bit deviated from 90º.
I use dry Katrin Plus Poly cleaning "towels". I cut one large sheet into several smaller ones and clean the threaded rods, guiding rails etc with them...
Not sure if this is right, but my father many years ago used service typewriters and other delicate machinery and used methylated spirits to clean gre...
Amazing work! The problem is the entire table is on the air, and the metal plate is not enough rigid for that. Your solution is solving this by 50%...