Last seen: Apr. 29, 2018
40 mm/s = 2.4 m/min! That's a lot, reduce it 16 mm/s (1m/min) and try again. And adjust the plunge rate too. For example: 10mm/s.
how are you clamping the piece?
You'll need to disassembly the bridge and see what's going on with all the rollers. Something must be wrong there.
The kress 1050 works with the Stepcraft. See here: This is my video with the dust extractor. It should weight like a 1050.
I use the Kress 800 and I don't have problems with my Z axis. May be your rollers are too tight? I never heard of that brass screw friction thing. ...
Remove the small screw on the motor shaft and the spindle from the support mount. Turn the rod by hand. If you don't detect any problem, then the mech...
mmm it looks like the axis sometimes accelerates and then goes back again to normal speed. It may be a faulty connection or cable.
When I got the UCCNC software for the first time, I received an invalid key. I contacted the developer and he sent me the right key by email. Ju...
Let us know how it works 😉
I own the 840/2 and I have to say the Nema 17 motors work great. I've cut 25mm solid wood and I haven't had any problem at all. I don't know for me...
It's actually joging but at 10% speed. In the Jog controls, increase it to 100%. Demo mode is activated when you start the software before the syst...
I think it's easier to avoid changing your tools while inside a routine. Just save the toolpaths that use a single tool in one file and toolpaths t...
Soft limits are relative Well, that's not true. At least with Mach3 for example and I doubt UCCNC thinks different, here. After zeroing the machine...
Software limits are almost incompatible with manually zeroing the machine. Suppose you set your X limit to -10mm once homed. Now you manually mo...