Last seen: Apr. 29, 2018
I don't like the poor support the board has in the middle (only a screw). I've been thinking in adding some wood chunks under the board to have a b...
Hi Jack, I see the 210 has a passage height of 95mm, while the next machine, the 300, has a passage height of 115mm. So I suppose the 210 can't use...
+1 for QCad. It's what I use and is great. I bought the Pro version, very cheap indeed, that adds polyline creation (and many more things), that is...
Hi dxtinct, the WinPC-NC shouldn't be used for importing DXF, even if it "could". You should use a real CAM software and let WinPC-NC just read the...
Hi, I'm with you in this matter, the wires are just cut at the minimum length, with no possibility of error. Wires are cheap, they should give them...
Thanks, that's what I thought too, it's good for calibrating soft-limits and parking positions.
About your "old" problem, IMHO I think that would be caused by not joining the curves. Every shape has to be a polyline or each segment/curve will be ...
Do you have a video of the process?
Very nice, keep posting your upcoming projects! 😉
I fixed it, was my own fault following the manual :blush: