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Giulio Buccini
Giulio Buccini
Reputable Member
Beigetreten: Nov 16, 2014
Last seen: Mrz 23, 2021
Themen: 33 / Antworten: 179
New Year 2016

You too! 🙂 (Sorry, I've read this only today 5 October)

Vor 8 Jahren
Fire extinguisher?

Thank you for the link DocBrown, it's very instructive. My "Hobby-raum" is located in a building with one big fire-extinguisher at any floor (but I...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 12
Views: 5523
No more double sided tape for fixturing???

I've just measured masking tape alone and 2 layers of masking plus double sided tape. Each turn out to be 0.0045" +- .0002" - i.e. 0.114mm. Double...

Vor 8 Jahren
No more double sided tape for fixturing???

Sure a vaccum pad costs some money, but it is still worth it. I got mine from EBay for abt. 45€ (300x200) and as I mentioned before, I use my standar...

Vor 8 Jahren
No more double sided tape for fixturing???

Or even put your double sided tape between the masking tape! 👿 Uh Oh! That's a smart ideaaaaaa! :side: I have to investigate about that. ...

Vor 8 Jahren
No more double sided tape for fixturing???

Well, if your material is that damn expensive, why don't you invest in a vaccuum pad? Its worth the money at the end. The advice/suggestion I posted...

Vor 8 Jahren
What CNC Fair/Exhibition in Germany?

I can post this in the german group for you. I know of at least on user living in (or near) Munich. Yes, please. If you can then, relocate yoursel...

Vor 8 Jahren
What CNC Fair/Exhibition in Germany?

Question: You live in Munich and write in english? We've got a german speaking forum group.. It's better for everyone that I don't start writing in ...

Vor 8 Jahren
What CNC Fair/Exhibition in Germany?

Well... if somebody lives in Munich and wants to drive to Withig on Saturday.... then I'm with you! :woohoo: (Obviously, we will share fuel cost)

Vor 8 Jahren
What CNC Fair/Exhibition in Germany?

Sorotec open-day is very intriguing but... a lot of kilometers (from Munich) to see the products of just one manufacturer ....mmmmh... I don't know. ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 8
Views: 6125
No more double sided tape for fixturing???

MDF board I was thinking that it's easy for the masking tape to adhere to a super flat and perfect surface like a board of Lexan/Polycarbonate. So,...

Vor 8 Jahren
No more double sided tape for fixturing???

Detaching the PVC panel from the board is 10-20 times easier than with double sided tape. Just apply a little force and help yourself with the unglued...

Vor 8 Jahren
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