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Giulio Buccini
Giulio Buccini
Reputable Member
Beigetreten: Nov 16, 2014
Last seen: Mrz 23, 2021
Themen: 33 / Antworten: 179
Backslash on Y-axis

BTW, chinese block are dimensionally correct but not square 🙁

Vor 7 Jahren
Check your HF spindles...

Hi folks, just a short note to recommend that anyone running an HF spindle checks it for tightness frequently. We've had the end cap begin to unwind ...

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

Hier my chinese blocks that I've used intensively to align the portal: I've ordered four of them and waiting around 24 days to get them. I've ma...

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

By the way! For everyone: don't use pliers to keep the leadscrew in position, the risk of damaging the thread is too high!!! (Even by interposing ...

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

Boom! Hi Peter, you're 100% right! I have done what you said this afternoon before reading your post. I have unmounted the pulley and the bearing ...

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

Here my results: 1. pulley has no play 2. leadscrew has no backslash 3. the long ballscrew has play! I can shake the ballscrew by hand, moving...

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

Ok Rory. Tomorrow or aftertomorrow I will do further tests. I will report my results here. Anyway, pulleys seems well tightened and fixed. Zero pl...

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

Here the answer from Stepcraft: "I think, the backlash is based on wear oft he leadscrew nuts on Y axis. You need two new nuts." Mmmmh... maybe...

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

Nobody has an idea? :unsure:

Vor 7 Jahren
Backslash on Y-axis

A further note: the screw in (2) keeps the bronze threaded guide in position. This is the guide where the threaded axis is passing through. Maybe ...

Vor 7 Jahren
Replies: 11
Views: 4964
Stepcraft is an "unbaked product" and i hate it

Certainly not a plug and play product, more like "plug and swear at it for several months". That's the point. Now I've invested so much time to make...

Vor 7 Jahren
Stepcraft is an "unbaked product" and i hate it

Anyway, the sensation/impression of an "unbaked" product is strong for me too. :dry: Honestly speaking, I would not suggest to a friend to buy it. ...

Vor 7 Jahren
Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 2
Views: 4677
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