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Julien Vaissieres
New Member
Beigetreten: Sep 18, 2014
Last seen: Jun 26, 2016
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 4
UCCNC and Fusion 360

Hi sc, I fixed my issue by changing the UCCNC profile, it's nothing with Fusion 360 but how UCCNC read the file. To change it, go to configuration,...

Vor 8 Jahren
UCCNC and Fusion 360

Done by Email Rory. Waiting for your returns :). I will share the issue when everything will be fixed. Thanks for your work Rory !

Vor 9 Jahren
UCCNC and Fusion 360

Another screenshot with a different model. I've try few postpross (winpc, mach2/3 Etc...) :S . Nothing changed and can't find anything suspicious in ...

Vor 9 Jahren
UCCNC and Fusion 360

Hi Guys 🙂 I'm quite new with my SC600 V2 but not to cnc machining. I'm working with fusion 360 to do my first cut ! But I have always the sam...

Vor 9 Jahren