Last seen: Jan. 9, 2022
The problem is the brass lead screw nut has play because it has worn due to friction between it and the leadscrew. If i support the weight of the spin...
No I'm using the shift key to start and stop acceleration, all electronics are fine, its mechanical.
The G-500 does look my solid than the stepcraft which would be better if it had two motors each side for the y axis. interesting to see a customer co...
Ausgezeichnete Arbeit
I had a ton of problems with y working than not working what solved it for me was to not use the supplied grease and used silicon spray instead.
I took it all apart this morning i can see wear on the z lead screw. So it was bent, as when i first built and tested it there was a bit of noise as t...
I think there is a bug with uccnc when you change the jog feed percentage. If you click it fast it stops the motors from continually moving or they ju...
Are you using uccnc. make sure its set to continuous and not set to step, on the keyboard keypad make sure numlock is off.
I think its definitely bent as the bearing in the tool holder wobbles about when moving the z axis. Just wondering the best way to take out and repla...
Im now using silicon spray only and seems to have sorted out the Y axis and can now do 5000 velocity. i think room temperature effects the viscosity ...
Double sided tape, Right side of laminate is about 0.5mm higher than the left and my wasteboard is not completly flat so makes it worse.