Joe Collins
Active Member
Beigetreten: Jan. 9, 2018
Last seen: Apr. 3, 2018
Themen: 1 / Antworten: 7
New Introduction

Thank you Ronald I'm now in the process of downloading the file from the shared folder and will let you know how things have worked out. Best wi...

Vor 7 Jahren
New Introduction

Ronald This was the first time I came close to successfully creating toolpaths. I can confirm that I have the SC840 and the stock size will be 6...

Vor 7 Jahren
New Introduction

Ronald I wasn't too sure how to upload my project to the shared project folder (mainly because I was unsure where my project was being stored) so I...

Vor 7 Jahren
New Introduction

Ronald Thank you for replying. The offer to do the CAM side of the sink cover for me would be very helpful as this is the area I'm struggling wi...

Vor 7 Jahren
New Introduction

Hello Ronald Not sure what happened to the message I sent you on Saturday in response to your reply to my post. Since the start of the year I ha...

Vor 7 Jahren
New Introduction

Ronald I replied to your message on Saturday but I'm now unsure if my response ever reached you. Can you let me know? Otherwise I will reply again....

Vor 7 Jahren
New Introduction

Dear Bodo Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. Whilst I am aware of Inkscape and use it to create vector ship models, I was not wa...

Vor 7 Jahren
Vor 7 Jahren
Replies: 15
Views: 4655