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Javier Martinez
Active Member
Beigetreten: Sep 30, 2015
Last seen: Okt 30, 2019
Themen: 2 / Antworten: 3
Y axis stuck at fast speeds

Hi! The problem has been solved. I have loosened a little the screws that hold the pulley against the rod and now is working well at 100% of the ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 5
Views: 4555
Tool tray

Wow! good job! One question: Is this material melamine? If yes, which tool did you use in order to have this clean cut? Thanks, Javier

Vor 8 Jahren
problem X axis

Hi! How did you solved it? I stil having the same problem in X and Z I should unmount it again? Thanks, Javier

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 2
Views: 3992