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Henrik Kullmann
New Member
Beigetreten: Apr 11, 2014
Last seen: Jul 21, 2017
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 3
UCCNC User Interface Slow

I have just installed version 1.2042. This is also working for me. I am used to that the Y is set to 590mm when homing. Now Y is set to 0mm.

Vor 7 Jahren
UCCNC User Interface Slow

I have updated drivers and UCCNC etc. on my PC with Intel HD Grahics nothing helps. I have just tried using my HP labtop with Intel HD 4000 and Nvidia...

Vor 7 Jahren
Aluminum T-slot table + vacuum table

Rory, Aparently the MDF vacuum table on the picture is just a plate with a lot of holes just like the alu-table. I guess that you use the porous prop...

Vor 9 Jahren