Last seen: Nov. 18, 2017
Got a bit carried away with our stepcraft modifications, and ended up building my own cnc from scratch. Build area 740 wide, 1340 long 250 z , 2.2...
I completely Gave up and bought all this 🙂 My Build blog is in here: Nick's Big Build
I hate to say I told you so. Just buy the matching precision thread from ZAP automation and be done with it - if you want it to work
Hmm...... dunno, I'll need to check what my mate ordered again, but I thought it was the same, our nut diam is 19mm so no recess needed
Ever since we switched over to the UC400 Ethernet, the machine had not missed a beat. Wireless allways has the potential for disaster, a little bit of...
Our Ballnut and Nylon connector arrived today, and screws, but still waiting for the last screw !
Guys - before you get carried away, on the stepcraft website, it clearly labels the item as a lead screw, not a ballscrew. The stepcraft machines woul...
Pete, it's pretty easy. I'm not too sure about the compatability, but I believe, you need a ballscrew to install a ballnut. Goodluck trying to figu...
We purchased our Miniature ballscrew from the Uk, we had a mount like that one shown, 3dprinted out of nylon which arrived, and looks great, and fits....
Agreed, the biggest cause of error by far we found, was the brass bushings wearing loose with use, by the end we could move the gantry by .5 to 1mm wi...
Well, we have had continual y axis jams as a result of the bushing system. And attempted, I think 8-9 large 3d prints with around 6 rolls of pla.... n...
My post is from auto desk. It was a genetic mach3 file, which I modified to enable 4th axis. The tolerance is still an issue, if it is set too low...
checkout my other post, it has the POST for stepcraft attached Nick
Sounds like you are not setting up your origin in fusion360 cam correctly before making operation. If you read your g code, and see numbers that are o...