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Fikret Cicek
Active Member
Beigetreten: Nov 21, 2021
Last seen: Jun 10, 2022
Themen: 1 / Antworten: 3
M.1000 setup good (maybe even perfect) / operating result: bad, due to Y2-axis

Hello Andys1957, Thank you very much for your comment. Problem is solved luckily but it took a lot of time to find it. I did what you proposed, i ...

Vor 3 Jahren
M.1000 setup good (maybe even perfect) / operating result: bad, due to Y2-axis

Now, this explains a part. It doesn't happen all the time, but i had a feeling the steppermotor at Y2 once in a while doesn't want cooperate simulta...

Vor 3 Jahren
M.1000 setup good (maybe even perfect) / operating result: bad, due to Y2-axis

Table setup, just great Beginning of 3D printing... looks and sounds like it all is OK A half hour later... drama The biggest question, how...

Vor 3 Jahren