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Ronny Eia
Active Member
Beigetreten: Jul 23, 2015
Last seen: Apr 13, 2020
Themen: 2 / Antworten: 9
Ball Screw replacement for wearing thread nuts

You missed the point here: the new nuts are not available for old SC1 steppies. Ah, sorry. I missed that. Also, one has to look to quality of t...

Vor 6 Jahren
Ball Screw replacement for wearing thread nuts

The backlash goes almost to zero? Maybe the wearing will progressively augment the backlash, but I think it will be limited to few cents of millimete...

Vor 6 Jahren
Ball Screw replacement for wearing thread nuts

What is the benefit of a high quality ball screw (with hardened balls) on a unknown lead screw with technically unknown specs and profile?

Vor 6 Jahren
Y Axis fun and games

So, to my questions : 1) Am i likely right in my hypothesis that this stepper is likely to blame? 2) Should I just replace with direct replacement ...

Vor 6 Jahren
Play in Y axis - Ordered replacement nuts

Aye, worked great. So good that I ordered nuts for X and Z as well. My Z axis has had much play for a long time.

Vor 6 Jahren
My failed attempt

Cool. I want one too...

Vor 9 Jahren
Electrical wires catching in the slot on the base

Thanks jvalencia. I got the same suggestion from StepCraft and Rory from StoneyCNC too. A clip showing how my fix works. I don't consider it perman...

Vor 9 Jahren
Electrical wires catching in the slot on the base

I added a video The white is electrical tape that helped a bit, but still I don't see this working at all.

Vor 9 Jahren