Last seen: Sep. 30, 2019
Thanks!! Im not dissapointed in the motors, just that they arnt upgraded on each axis, as thats what I was looking at doing a few months ago, but w...
Hello, this update is a bit disappointing, I was hoping to have an improved motor for each axle. @skynet do you know the max motor output for eac...
Hallo, dieses Update ist etwas enttäuschend, ich hatte gehofft, für jede Achse einen verbesserten Motor zu haben. Hat jemand nach NEMA 17-Motoren mit ...
Thanks very much Rory, I'll have a look at the video. Shame you can't use the kress. I may give it a go taking really light cuts
Can anybody shed any further light on the subject?
Yea that would be a good start I guess haha. I use Vcarve Pro, and uccnc. Not sure if this can convert for me, if not, is it just as easy as ope...
Found it, MDI commands
Thanks! Its only 0.1mm difference over the width, so I don't think I can make it any better without milling the spoil board flat. Thanks for the c...
Ed is fine 🙂 Thanks for the replies, I'm fairly mechanically minded and it doesn't sound like there are any grinding or squealing noises, just a c...