Reputable Member
Beigetreten: Okt. 1, 2016
Last seen: Juni 13, 2022
Themen: 16 / Antworten: 237
Industrial Quality Small HF Spindle from StoneyCNC

For those of you on Facebook, check out a detailed build thread for my Brian May Red Special guitar and my first build, a 3/4 scale Red Special replic...

Vor 7 Jahren
Industrial Quality Small HF Spindle from StoneyCNC

Milling a Red Special Guitar Truss Rod Bolt Access Cover from Acrylic with a Stepcraft 2/840 CNC Machine The first run is to thickness the 3 mm cas...

Vor 7 Jahren
Industrial Quality Small HF Spindle from StoneyCNC

Final thicknessing of spruce tonewood strips (457 x 40.5 x 12.3 mm) prior to gluing between two 3.35 mm plywood facing panels to make 3/4" (19 mm) qua...

Vor 7 Jahren
Industrial Quality Small HF Spindle from StoneyCNC

Cutting a replica Jeanrenaud DPDT parallel slide switch wafer from 1P/13 tufnol sheet (1.2 mm thick) using a 0.8 mm (1/32") diameter solid carbide fla...

Vor 7 Jahren
Industrial Quality Small HF Spindle from StoneyCNC

Cutting some Brian May Red Special guitar pickup surrounds from cast black perspex/acrylic sheet. First I run a toolpath to reduce the thickness of th...

Vor 7 Jahren
Brian May Red Special Guitar

Hi Ollie. All is well. I have been busy building so haven’t been on here much. My machine is holding up well and I recently cut a small, intrica...

Vor 7 Jahren
Ball nut conversion - work in progress

Hi Peter. Good work. I have been busy progressing my guitar build so have not checked into this forum in a few months. This is one thread I’ll b...

Vor 7 Jahren
Where to buy cutters

I got a decent tungsten carbide tipped 90 degree V groove cutter from Trend in the U.K. I don't understand why you say "8 mm shank for Kress sp...

Vor 8 Jahren
Issue with the Y axis: is the belt worn out?

MMorao, you are one of the most entertainingly tongue-in-cheek forum people I have ever come across. Keep up the good werks mein freund. Doug

Vor 8 Jahren
Running UCCNC in inch mode

I see that you already asked this question on another thread: I replied... "Check the UCCNC user manual Section 4.1 to see if the G20 code i...

Vor 8 Jahren
Imperial/Inch mode

Check the UCCNC user manual Section 4.1 to see if the G20 code is supported. It jumps from G19 to G28 so it doesn't look like it. I noticed UCC...

Vor 8 Jahren
Grub screws keep coming out of z and x axis

Yes. I posted my solution on this thread: Doug

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 7
Views: 7852
Pause and Start

Stepcraft 2/840 is the machine, not the spindle.

Vor 8 Jahren
Dewalt Dust shoe

Sorry, you misunderstood me. I just meant that it was neat that I used my Stepcraft machine to make a custom part for itself. I didn't mean that the S...

Vor 8 Jahren
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