Reputable Member
Beigetreten: Okt. 1, 2016
Last seen: Juni 13, 2022
Themen: 16 / Antworten: 237
motor y seem to get stuck and not moving smoothly

Hi there. I don't know what your problem is but I also had a Y axis motor problem that manifested itself as intermittent resistance to drive. I ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Time to share....

Very inspiring work! Thanks for sharing. The clocks are exquisite, the boxes elegant in their simplicity but my favourites are the little cricket b...

Vor 8 Jahren

I would strongly recommend avoiding the Stepcraft HF series spindle outfits because they are considerably more expensive than a Kress unit, have more ...

Vor 8 Jahren
homing.....please teach me and make it idiot proof

So the soft limits must therefore work on machine coordinates then, not workspace coordinates. Doug

Vor 8 Jahren
Maximum Part Height

Stepcraft simply can't tell, because it depends on the motor and the endmill length that you use. They can't tell, but they could certainly provide e...

Vor 8 Jahren
homing.....please teach me and make it idiot proof

I can't thank Doug enough for his help (on this, and other topics). Can't imagine where us newbies would be (as in Robin's lacking the will to live) ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Hello and a Big Shout Out

Hi there. Welcome to the forum and thanks for introducing yourself. I and many others have found Rory's speed and helpfulness of response very s...

Vor 8 Jahren
Spindle / Bed Tramming (840) (Supports?)

Placement of the fixed rollers during operations 1.9 and 1.11 is a critical first step in achieving this, along with operations 3.1 and 4.1 for the ga...

Vor 8 Jahren
Spindle / Bed Tramming (840) (Supports?)

IMHO what is needed is companion document to the Assembly Manual that highlights and expands on the critical assembly steps that can make or mar the a...

Vor 8 Jahren
homing.....please teach me and make it idiot proof

I dismantled my XZ axis recently and found that the connections for one of the limit switches had come off during initial assembly which disabled both...

Vor 8 Jahren
Spindle / Bed Tramming (840) (Supports?)

I had some issues when drilling recently (see post below): So as part of the investigation, I decided to check the squareness of the Z axis to ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Hints for drilling

I have been experiencing intermittent issues when drilling. I share the experience here to help others avoid the same issues or offer some tips to exp...

Vor 8 Jahren
Too Much Powdercoat?

I would think that very likely. There have been a number of posts about axes not moving freely lately where the problem has been attributed to too muc...

Vor 8 Jahren
Stepcraft is an "unbaked product" and i hate it

I'm pleased to report that with a new control PCB, new Y motor and a lot of powder coat removed from bearing holes and screw holes, jog testing at ful...

Vor 8 Jahren
Stepcraft 840 won't move

Hi Peter. I agree with everything you have said there. I have also experienced random binding of motors at specific sections of the travel at 3,...

Vor 8 Jahren
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