Last seen: Apr. 19, 2016
Thanks a lot!
I use CorelDraw 7 and Aspire 8, that was for me the best way to get somewhere. Thereby, I think a parallel port with an UC100 plug & UCNC (or M...
That's cool, and thanks again! 🙂
That's wonderful! How can I ever thank you enough!? Slot tolerance is 8.4 indeed. I will finish the details such as the position of the joystick...
I think the best way is to adjust the height of the lower part: instead of 33 / 16, we should try to get 40 / 25 instead. That would change the shape...
Yes, that's much better: 10cm is enough to install the joystick and buttons. There's room to play a little with the inclination of the bezel, as it h...
Nice work! I would prefer to have slots inside, so all the parts (except for the side panels) must have an additional 6mm length. The backdoor acc...
And this is the way the other panels (bottom, upper, back etc) have to be installed: It's almost like your example. The monitor bezel should be mo...
Wow, this is awesome! :woohoo:
Well, it's doable I admit, but the auto cad (compatible) software is not always that easy. I want a mini version of the cabinet, say approx 36cm hi...
Thanks for the help, but again, this is not what I'm looking for. There're enough plans for standard bartop cabinets (and I made a few of them too al...
I'm looking for useable cnc plans for a Nintendo bartop cabinet similar to this one: Then I will have to reduce the scale (2:1) to make a tiny ...
Nothing I can use.