Last seen: Apr. 19, 2016
Still waiting for the parts, I guess I will receive the package somewhere next week. 🙁 But at least, the RVS screws were delivered yesterday: t...
Haha: love the pedestal with a plastic cover on top of it in order to hide the real driving force. 😉 Also lovely how the edge of the wheel is goi...
You can't use the current USB interface as it's a dongle dedicated to Win PC-NC and cannot be used for other software. Best thing to do is to buy the...
I know it's a myth as stated in my previous posts, but if it could run for a few minutes, that would be amazing already. I could indeed put more we...
Oh, I recognise this...using Aspire 8 too. But in my case it is a hardware issue: the screw on the servo drive pulley stick out a little (despite t...
The spare-parts have been ordered, and I also bought RVS replacement screws (M5 & M6) because the current ones are quite soft and easily damaged. ...
This for example:
It can do whatever you want! I saw some examples on the internet, it's really incredible :woohoo:
Yes, I agree. A spare-part section should be set up on the web-store. I mean: all these machines will fail one day or another, they won't work forev...
That's possible indeed... the famous "grrr" sound while the unit is not moving... I don't know where the issues have started, but I need a lot of spa...
I was optimistic too, but I now have many parts to replace unfortunately... 😆
I have to correct my OP: it's the Y axis that's making the noise, not the X axis. Sorry about that!
That seems to be ok: no backlash, but the pulleys are running freely (I can turn the two axis easily by hand). I've noticed some serious worn on th...
Very nice! :woohoo:
Good news: I received a message from the StepCraft team regarding the spare-parts, and the prices for the replacement parts are not excessive. For app...