Last seen: März 16, 2018
Unfortunately, I never was able to correct this issue. While I could never hear nor see the Z stepper stalling, I suspect it was and think maybe a mo...
Hey Max, Mine is the UCCNC version that has a USB connection from the computer to the UCCNC motion controller. ~Dan
I additionally tried running tool paths with X and Z axis only and Y and Z axis only. Stopped the cycle after 15 minutes. They both lost steps on th...
Well, just wanted to report that I shortened all my wires to eliminate bundles and, as soon as I run the tool path with all the axes running, it fails...
Hmm... the plot thickens! Thank you all for the suggestions. I'm fortunate to live relatively close to work, so I zipped home for lunch and tried ...
Tested a few more things tonight. I borrowed a Windows laptop so I'm running directly on hardware rather than through a VM on my Mac. Made no differ...
I'm going to try this again tonight with my plotter pen attachment to see if I experience the same issues. That will also help me verify the X and Y ...
Thanks for the replies. CNCMiller, I've done my best to make sure background processes don't interfere and I can't say I've seen the machine stutte...
Tom, Thank you for the reply. However, no, I'm afraid you have misunderstood or I have described the issue poorly. I'm am setting Z=0 in Aspire t...
Well, just to keep this thread updated with things I've tried, I wiped down and relubricated all of my axis, paying special attention to the Z axis. ...
I tried reducing my Velocity and Acceleration values from 3000 and 400, respectively, to 2000 and 200, but I still lost steps. I then reduced it agai...