Last seen: Juli 8, 2016
I asked this as wel, the answer from Stepcraft: 5V = 0,1A (only for logic) 24V (it is the same voltage as the input voltage) I think it is 19V o...
Thank you very much! I get it now. Now I'll wait until my laser gets delivered. 😉
Thank you Peter, Could you possibly draw a simpel layout of what you described? I'm not sure where to put the zener and what's it's purpose. I...
Thank you. So I will use the charge pump only for the spindle. Then I would like to have some advice how to connect; My spindle is now connec...
Ok, I understood that part. Now im figuring out how to implement it in my config. I build a charge pump circuit like Mariss Freimanis. It is worki...
Could you be more specific about a charge pump circuit? How do I implement it?
It is a parallel module. For what I think, (not at the machine right now) it's a active High signal. So, then I can use a 10K PullDown resistor?