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Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Mai 12, 2015
Last seen: Jun 5, 2017
Themen: 2 / Antworten: 15
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Hi, yes i get confirmation, hopefuly stepcraft team respond to my emails but a little late, i have spend an amount while waiting to get banks infos...

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Ordered the machine with some extras, but no news yet from stepcraft team. Our email communication its not what i expected 🙁

Vor 9 Jahren
Stepcraft 2 420 vs CNC3040

hi! i was in the same situation except i looked for the bigger 6040 machine and without electronics, only the frame. I am new in the field, so i didnt...

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Hi again, i see somewhere in the forum that the machine have 1,4A stepper motors for x/y, and 1,8A motor for z. Is possible to change the 1,4A mottors...

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Dear friends do you know if i can use uccnc software with stepcrafts usb module? Can i use softwares with usb module other than winpc?

Vor 9 Jahren
Machining mdf and plywood. How easy or hard is?

Friends your answers are so helpful for me! Thank you a lot! Another thing i would like to know is what speeds do you use for you spindle. I reed s...

Vor 9 Jahren
Machining mdf and plywood. How easy or hard is?

Thank you for your answers friends! I hope to be easy to asembly the machine! Offcource i need to learn the jargo 🙂 The things i want to make ar...

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Friends where can i find the specs for the stepper motors?

Vor 9 Jahren

cool work!

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Thank you Donald. In one video there are passes from 1mm to 2mm. Seems prety good if i could use 1mm pass then the total passes are 15, and if i use 2...

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Hi again stepcrafters! Is anyone that could tell me if the stepcraft v2 is actual faster than stepcraft v1? At the deutsch forum i see a picture from ...

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

I checked the crations on the forum these are very interesting to me. At the moment the stepcraft still seems to me a nice maschine to start because i...

Vor 9 Jahren
A few questions from a non stepcraft owner

Thank you woodendonkey! If this is the only maintenance i dont see it as so bad. I dont think this is a hard to do thing. Maybe there are professional...

Vor 9 Jahren
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