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Beigetreten: Mai 6, 2016
Last seen: Dez 26, 2017
Themen: 5 / Antworten: 36
Maybe simple question CUT2D

@ jvalencia . Thanks

Vor 8 Jahren
Maybe simple question CUT2D

Can someone tell me if the XYZ datum set on the Cut 2D is the same as the zero point on UCCNC software???

Vor 8 Jahren
Maybe simple question CUT2D

Hello every one. I'm using the Cut 2D desktop edition and my CNC program is UCCNC. I am having some difficulty to align the design tool path that i cr...

Vor 8 Jahren
Trolley drive.

Good one. And where is the battery ??

Vor 8 Jahren
Engraving issues with SC 840

The T-slot bottom plate is mostly good for holding your material. The best way and in my opinion the more easiest, is to machine your material with yo...

Vor 8 Jahren
First in Malta

So my first drawing, which is my family coat of arms. Attach there is two pictures, the first one is the use of UCCNC and the second one is the final ...

Vor 8 Jahren
Engraving issues with SC 840

Hi mathieu, I'm a newbie but from pictures it seems that your cnc table is not flat. Check for flatness of you table. regards Jonathan

Vor 8 Jahren
Bed or portal on SC-2 420 is not 100% flat

So i will plan to do this for my Stepcraft .

Vor 8 Jahren
X-axis problem SC 430

Quick Update: After the suggestion and helpful hints from Rory , i manage to adjust this problem. It was from the M6 Bolts that holds the aluminium ba...

Vor 8 Jahren
Replies: 1
Views: 4525
X problem...

Hello. My first day using my SC 430 and everything was going well. Than there was a problem in X-axis. When doing homing , it keeps jam at same positi...

Vor 8 Jahren
Wall clock

Very beautiful. Some day i will do something like that. I'm still a newbie in CNC world 🙂

Vor 8 Jahren
First in Malta

Yes. I had already upgrade to UCCNC and it is working fine. Now i will have to learn a CAD/CAM software so to be able to cut my first project on it .

Vor 8 Jahren
First in Malta

Just doing my first machine power up and moving all axes. :cheer:

Vor 8 Jahren
Help needed for Y axis of S430

Thanks for the help @jvalencia. Now it is working fine 🙂 I install the Win-PC and move all axis with no problem.

Vor 8 Jahren
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