Eun Hee Kim
Active Member
Beigetreten: Apr. 8, 2016
Last seen: Mai 26, 2016
Themen: 2 / Antworten: 7
layering issue in 3D printing

Thank you for your attention and response. I finally printed out with the original file I tried and found the problem was leveling. I put a fabric und...

Vor 9 Jahren
layering issue in 3D printing

Thank you for your response and here we go~. Actually this gcode file is in the CD provided when I bought my machine though...

Vor 9 Jahren
Replies: 9
Views: 7406
'HOME ALL' problem with Y axis

Thank you very much Kivinen. I used tape and hard paper to make the gantry reach to the switch as you said and it worked. I think I'll fix the root pr...

Vor 9 Jahren
'HOME ALL' problem with Y axis

I solved this issue thanks to all you guys DocBrown, jonalm and Chris83 but I have another, similar problem. X and Z End Switches are working well now...

Vor 9 Jahren
'HOME ALL' problem with Y axis

Wow! I disabled SW limits and it's working. But I'm not that smart to make my own parameter. I can bear with that annoying.:D. Thanks

Vor 9 Jahren
'HOME ALL' problem with Y axis

jonalm thank you for your response. I did what you said but it didn't work. I think some of the wires are disconnected. I'll check it through reassemb...

Vor 9 Jahren
'HOME ALL' problem with Y axis

DocBrown Thank you for your response. I installed UCCNC with the correct parameter for Stepcraft2-420. I think you're right that it's prom with the en...

Vor 9 Jahren
Replies: 15
Views: 12246