Last seen: Feb. 7, 2017
thank you, looks like you are right, I'll check that. Thank you!
Thank you, found the problem, don't know yet why so...after computer repair installed a higher version of Aspire (8.5) and the problem came...uninstal...
Thank you, Rory, understood that my lubricating was wrong.
Good day to everyone, Rory, could you please help to find the problem: after setup (as you recommended (velocity 5000 sings)) works well 3-4 hours, b...
Thanks a lot, Rory could you please tell is it ok for Stepcraft 2/600 to work about 6 hours per day, and in this case how often do I need to calibrate...
Rory, thank you, did like you said, appeared that Y is not going good (stuck), X and Z perfect. Could this be the problem? Working with Y...
Thank you, The problem came back:( Rory, I'll try to do as you advice, thank you.O could this happened because of wrong post processor(aspire 8.0 Ma...
Thank you, dry-run was perfect, 4 mm mill worked good also with this project...before these run and as appeared after (restarted computer 3 hours ago...