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Peter Newman
Active Member
Beigetreten: Jul 6, 2021
Last seen: Mai 12, 2024
Themen: 3 / Antworten: 4
Y axis not stopping during homing

I appreciate this was a while ago, but I have a D.Series with the same issue and I was hoping you could clarify something for me. Are you saying, s...

Vor 2 Monaten
CNC Remote function keys

Within the App, if you select the F1-F4 button it opens a configuration sheet, you can assign a named macro from there. Just find the one(s) you ne...

Vor 6 Monaten
Replies: 0
Views: 725
New to the Forum, no machine yet...

My original thread was posted so long ago, I completely forgot about it, but here's some progress: I'm now the proud owner of a Stepcraft M.1000 CN...

Vor 7 Monaten
what stepcraft to buy?

OK, so every Stepcraft can do pretty much everything, limited only by the size of the machine you buy, and that sounds really positive, but I have two...

Vor 3 Jahren
Replies: 0
Views: 5457
Replies: 2
Views: 3375