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Newbie from Finland

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Markku Lehtola
Beiträge: 43
Trusted Member


I have been searching for suitable small CNC for a long time...and since I already have several really nice German products (Agria 2-wheel tractor, straight razors, VW, Moser hair cutter etc.) SC is my choice in this case too 😛 Going to order SC600 during this month...

I have a Bc. in wood technology and I've been running my own company since 2010. Most of the jobs relates somehow to SOLIDWORKS...I'm using it of course to design, but I also keep SW-courses and do some add-ins programming. I have no solid experience with pure CNC yet, but I have been using 3D printer since 2011, so I have a glue about the basics I guess. So far my current printer works fine, so no need to get SC printing kit right now...but it's nice to know that it's available.

I have already asked some questions about SC here and I'm happy to see that community works nicely...questions are answered fast.

My contribution to the community:
- ask anything about SOLIDWORKS :blink: I'm a long time user/ I know something about it
- if you need 3D printed parts, let me know...for me it's more like hobby than business, so my prices are low

ps. don't read/write German,sorry! Maybe the English section of the forum should be opened?

Markku (reseller in Finland)
SOLIDWORKS, WinPC-NC Full, EstlCAM, SC1/600 + HF500W, laser
BCN3D Sigma

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2014 8:57 am
Markku Lehtola
Beiträge: 43
Trusted Member

SC600 ordered 🙂

Markku (reseller in Finland)
SOLIDWORKS, WinPC-NC Full, EstlCAM, SC1/600 + HF500W, laser
BCN3D Sigma

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2014 9:50 am
Thomas Semmler
Beiträge: 1091
Noble Member

Godd decision!

Welcome on this supportforum!

Produktevangelist 🙂

Es grüßt mit der Ihm gegebenen Freundlichkeit...

...der Thomas

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2014 10:16 am
Beiträge: 992
Noble Member

Yep - also from me: Welcome in the Forum!

ps. don't read/write German,sorry! Maybe the English section of the forum should be opened?

Don't worry about that. Just ask your question - or show what you are doing/map out with/for the SC - and I'm sure in 9 of 10 cases there will be somebody here to answer or comment your threads.
(I'm glad that you haven't ask for a "Finnish or Swedish Forum" :woohoo: )

It's not only about tools it's also about skills! 😉

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2014 11:11 am
Markku Lehtola
Beiträge: 43
Trusted Member


Finnish forum?! Yes! 🙂 🙂 I start installing/moderating one as soon as we have enough Finnish SC users around..

Markku (reseller in Finland)
SOLIDWORKS, WinPC-NC Full, EstlCAM, SC1/600 + HF500W, laser
BCN3D Sigma

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2014 2:53 pm
Thomas Semmler
Beiträge: 1091
Noble Member

Hehe, but first we´ve started to get our english section ready! We´re still on it!

Produktevangelist 🙂

Es grüßt mit der Ihm gegebenen Freundlichkeit...

...der Thomas

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2014 4:41 pm
Markku Lehtola
Beiträge: 43
Trusted Member

Package opened and waiting for assembling. I have propably never seen so good building instructions! German quality hits again B)

Markku (reseller in Finland)
SOLIDWORKS, WinPC-NC Full, EstlCAM, SC1/600 + HF500W, laser
BCN3D Sigma

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2014 11:33 am
Beiträge: 992
Noble Member

Congratulation! Now starts the fun part .... :woohoo:

It's not only about tools it's also about skills! 😉

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2014 8:42 pm
Marcus TheOnlyOne
Beiträge: 332
Reputable Member

Welcome on this supportforum!

Viele Grüße,


Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2014 9:07 pm