Can't Start Cycle
Hi everybody.
This is my first attempt using my new D.840 but I've read and wached a lot of stuff before attempting anything.
This is what I've done.
-D.840 is working perfectly
-UCCNC is working and only have the D.840 profile
-I've set Fusion 360 preferences with the Z pointing UP, like Stepcreft Z is pointing UP
-In Fusion 360 I created a 100x100 mm project with a little incision.
-Still in FUSION360 i've placed de XYZ zero on the top left corner of the piece.
-I've ran the simulation and everything was ok.
-I've post processed with UCCNC stepcraft inside Fusion 360
-I've placed a piece of wood on the CNC and zero all axes after moving XYZ exactly in the same spot where they where on Fusion.
-I've started the cycle but I get an erron (in Italian) whic says something like "the working area it's out of the limits set in the software" and something like "regulate the limits to adapt the extensions of the work or disabel the limit value
Job Y max.:850.44 >= Softlimit.: 833.00
Job Z max.:60.46 >= Softlimit Z max.: 0.00
I've tried in configuration to turn off both "enable softlimit" and "softlimit file prechek"; Still getting the same error:
It's like is telling me that I'm asking the Z and the X to go beyond their limit, but given that I'm using the D.840 for an incision on a 100x100mm and I've placed the piece of wood in a position where the CNC has planti of space to move and also that I did zero all everything...Idon't get wher is the problem.
Something I've just noticed.
When in UCCN I zero XYZ the live view show the tool in the right position relative to the desing.
The point is this. If I move around the tool in the Jog Window it moves correctly which mens Z+ it goes up and Z- It goes down(Up is where the Z reach the end swithc), X+ it goes right and X- it goes Left (left is where the X end switch is located), Y+ moves tward the back panel Y- moves toward the front pannel(the back panel is where the Y end switch is located): This looks ok to me.
When in UCCN I zero XYZ before launching the cycle the live view show the tool in the right position relative to the desing; This still looks ok to me.
The problem is that if then I move the tool in the Jog window, Y and X moves like they are inverted relative to the piece of wood I've placed and used to zero XYZ.
Z looks like is moving in the right way.
I cant' explain it.
As you can see In Fusion 360 XYZ are correctly oriented, But then in UCCNC only Z move in the right direction...
Any idea of what is going on?
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