Yes, the process of getting Mach3 setup and functioning properly is a challenge and while there was just a minimum of activity on this forum at the time (in English) I searched hi/low/far and wide to find any and all available information about the various setup parameters and options. Some relate directly to the use of CNC machines in general, some are intended for other types of equipment and that part is probably the first step in getting the system to work. From what I've read, it seems that sometimes the users are intent on getting every single aspect of the parameters setup perfectly and then trying things out. I don't believe that's as effective as getting the primary steps (motor controls,etc) working and then gradually finding those other details that you can tweak in other ways to improve on what is already working. This also gives you a chance to see the effects of what you're changing (only if you stick with changing just one detail and then trying it) - if you choose to change multiples at one time, you'll never be able to figure out what the setting actually do. Don't be frustrated if/when the changes aren't giving you precise and absolutely accurate results as that will come with improving on the settings as you learn more. What I believe many people forget is that this entire process IS all about learning - if you think it's a push-button deal where you just clamp in your work and hit a few "magic" buttons - think again, because it's not! You will gain more by searching, learning, trying, failing to some degree but persisting to try again because eventually more and more will make sense and you will be understanding what you've accomplished. No one is holding back information as much as they are sometimes reluctant to give out their selection of details as their machine may be setup differently. The resources within Stepcraft for Mach3 are limited today but I would imagine they might improve with time and more involvement with the software. Rory is an outstanding resource and the details within many of his answers and comments go a long way to help you learn what works, what doesn't and why. He also has his own business and customer base and rightfully so reserves his time and help to those who have purchased their systems thru his company. Almost all of the initial "English" details that make up this forum were either started or "added to" by him and we should all send some of our business and support his way for his help.
Don't be discouraged, be persistent and search and you will find (sounds like a movie doesn't it) the answers about the setup and use of Mach3 and in the process you will become that much smarter about what your system is doing when you press those magic buttons... woe is he who presses and doesn't know! Hang in there and search - there's a huge amount of information about Mach3 and it's uses. Thanks.
Thank you WonSTEP for your detailed response. It is indeed about learning. I started in CNC with a machine that was off the shelf and worked from the supplier. I then used, improved, tweaked, developed added and explored the system that was on MAch3 at the time.
Its exactly like WonStep says- incremental changes - keep it simple first.
With Mach3 all you need to do is get the motors working - X Y and Y. Thats it it can work. You don't need limit switches, you don't need softlimits, you don't need spindle control with software. In my opinion when you start out all these things add to confusion. Keep is as simple as possible and work with it.
When you explore settings etc - make sure you KEEP the original file that WORKS... otherwise you will get V frustrated. And yes -incremental changes...
IF anyone has any specific questions about details involving getting Mach3 working - post - we will help. But do try yourself first. You get so much more from learning.
I had a strange problem when I tried to install Mach3 on my CNC computer. Got an old used PC with a clean 32 bit xp installation for running the Mach3. It isn`t connected to the internet and doesn`t have any antivirus/firewall turned on. An USB memory stick seemed like a good way to transfer the Mach3 installation file, but had two errors when I tried to copy or run the file from the stick. The errors were something like this: "Can not copy file because it is corrupted or unreadable" and "... is not a valid Win32 file". The solution was simple, I used another USB memory stick I have that is nade by a different manufacturer. No more problems.
Just in case someone else has a similar trouble.
Stepcraft 600SF (version 1) parallel port
Proxxon IBS/E
devCad Cam Pro; devWing Cam; devFus Cam; Profili Pro 2

I had a strange problem when I tried to install Mach3 on my CNC computer. Got an old used PC with a clean 32 bit xp installation for running the Mach3. It isn`t connected to the internet and doesn`t have any antivirus/firewall turned on. An USB memory stick seemed like a good way to transfer the Mach3 installation file, but had two errors when I tried to copy or run the file from the stick. The errors were something like this: "Can not copy file because it is corrupted or unreadable" and "... is not a valid Win32 file". The solution was simple, I used another USB memory stick I have that is nade by a different manufacturer. No more problems.
Just in case someone else has a similar trouble.
It's always better to copy any application files from a USB stick to a folder on the desktop and install from there, causes less errors if any at all.
Stepcraft 420 (version 1) - HXKJ-GS52-400W Air cooled DC spindle - 445nm Blue Laser diode G2

Hi I'm new here and have a few questions I recently bought a stepcraft 600 with usb.
My question is how can I make it work with mach3
On the stepcraft 600 is only a usb port and also on the pc
I have downloaded the mach3 software with license and the uc100 software who can help me with that
You need the LPT card and then a UC100 to talk to Mach3 / UCCNC. you also need the installation files.
can send us an email if you want (StoneyCNC)
Hello guys
Last month I bought the Stepcraft 600, Mach3 and UC100. I built it without problems but I had a lot of difficult configuring it. Luckily StoneyCNC helped me quickly and sent me the installation help documentation. Today, fist time, the Stepcraft is working. Thanks Rory.
Yep must agree, Rory assisted me with getting my machine running better under Mach3 also. Very fast response and I'm sure we all agree the amount of support he provides to the community is greatly appreciated.
Thanks again.
Hallo there,
I Intend to buy a stepcraft420 and I have something that is not clear for me because I intend to use it with mach3. This is what I understood so far:
if I want to control it via usb from Mach3 the usb version of the machine will not work.
I need to buy the parallel port version and additionally the uc100 usb converter.
Is that correct ?

Yes, correct. The USB board offered by stepcraft is actually like a dongle for the WinPC NC software.
As far as I know there are other USB solutions for Mach3 available, but yes, uc100 is an option.
SC 420 mit DIY parallel + Proxxon mit Mod + HF500 + SprintLayout + LibreCAD/QCAD + FreeCAD +WinPC starter/USB->EstlCAM + EstlCAM LPTAdapter + EstlCAM Handrad + DIY Vakuumtisch
Gruß, Andreas
Yes, you are correct in your planning. The UC-100 device is easy to setup and thorough in the instructions for loading and installing. More importantly, it works!
Good luck.
Great support from Rory . Even though i am not their client he answered e-mail in 20min and helped me configure my stepcraft-600 .
I can confirm the great support from Rory!
I bought the UC100 from him but read some of the forum info too late because I could have been buying also the parallel port together with it (I ordered it from Stepcraft).
Anyhow, he gave me the STepcraft.xml for Mach3 as well, it was for a 420 but I could change it to meet my 600 limits.
I had some problems with the HF spindle until I found a description in the German forum.
Anyhow, StoneyCNC was great, I received my goods on the day after Rory sent the mail that he was sending them, and I am in Austria.
p.s.: My first parts on Mach3 for the grandchild:
Steppcraft 600/2 + HF500 + SwitchBox + Laser + Schleppmesser
Absaugung und Vakuumtisch
an Mach3 oder UCCNC mit Taster für Z-Null und Werkzeuglänge
Some more experience about using Mach3 with parallel port equpipped Stepcraft. I got an old used PC with a clean 32 bit XP installation for running the machine as mentioned in post 9659: . Since Windows XP is no longer supported and many people replaced their computers together with the new software, used computers can be found pretty cheap. A PC should be easy to configure and use, but a laptop could prove to be a bit more tricky to set up.
I bought an old Dell D600 laptop with a clean 32 bit XP install for my next CNC project. D600 has a parallel port, but initially it failed the driver test. Did some researching and found good advice here: and here: . Replacing the ACPI with Standard PC driver worked for me. Basically I did as one user said:
Suggest using the 'Standard PC' driver, no other installed programs, no start up programs, no internet connection, no av, fresh xp install, no auto updates, no firewall, use maximum ram (which in the older laptops is still not very much). Use ac power adaptor and no wireless mice or keyboards. I don't even bother with updates as these are mainly IE security related.
Further testing proved successful. Some things are different with the standard PC driver, for example I don`t see any laptop battery monitor. My CNC lathe project is currently on hold but maybe someone decides to take the same route with the Stepcraft and investigate further.
Stepcraft 600SF (version 1) parallel port
Proxxon IBS/E
devCad Cam Pro; devWing Cam; devFus Cam; Profili Pro 2
I bought a stepcraft 600 and had trouble with winpc-nc. I decided to hook up the machine to my LPT port and run it with mach3.
This wasn't as easy as it seemed but with the help of Rory (Stoneycnc) I got it running in a couple of hours which should've been minutes if I had kept my eyes open.
Thank you Rory and keep up the remarkable service and help us noobs milling! :woohoo:
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