Third party laser s...
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Third party laser setup in WinPC

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Beiträge: 230
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Forum members,

I am starting a new chapter with my steppie, trying to hook up a Laser module.

On the famous Aliexpress I found a 20W "5,5W effective" 450nm blue light Laser module with a driver board.
This board (picture 1) has a PWM and TTL input connectors.

Now have I figured out that to turn the laser ON and OFF the following pins on the DB15 connector Are pin 2 GND and pin 13 + 5V

But I would like to adjust the power with the PWM modulation.
And if I am correct that should to be done as follows, DB15 connector pin 2 GND (H2 - on driver) and pin 7 (H2 + on driver)
For as the hardware concerned I think I am on track. If I am wrong please tell me.

But now the hard thing how to set these parameter correct in Win PC 3.40
Does anyone know witch and where the settings must be change?

Waiting for your reply
In the mean time I be milling on my happy steppie.


SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021

Veröffentlicht : 12/07/2020 1:55 pm
Beiträge: 202
Estimable Member

I´m also interessted. Neje has an new 30W (effective 7,5W) Laserhead and an 40W (effective 15W ). This could be a cheap solution for the stepcraft.

Würde mich auch interessieren, da Neje gerade einen 30W und einen 40W Laserkopf (effectiv 7,5 bzw 15 W) anbietet. Die 15 W glaube ich nicht. Der 30 W (7,5W) Kopf könnte aber eine interessante und kostengünstige Lösung für die Steppi sein.,scm-url:1007.13482.95643.0,pvid:6664d844-9cb9-4cd3-a276-4320e87ae58f,tpp_buckets:668%230%23131923%230_668%23808%234094%23393_668%23888%233325%2310_668%232846%238114%23775_668%232717%237561%23393_668%231000022185%231000066059%230_668%233480%2315683%23188

CorelDraw X7, TurboCAD V.18 2D/3D (vorgesehen für die Erstellung von STL-Dateien) -> EstlCAM -> WinPC-NC USB Vollversion -> Stepcraft 420 mit Portalerhöhung, HF-Spindel 350 und 3D-Druckkopf
Vakuumtisch: VT3040 CNC-Plus

Veröffentlicht : 24/09/2020 1:03 pm
Beiträge: 230
Reputable Member

I am waiting for2 DS15 sub breakout connectors so I can start experimenting.

On the net there was an other picture of the laser tester where the PWM or the TTL shout be connected on the TLL connector on the board.

Hopefully the delivering is fast.
Keep you informed

SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021

Veröffentlicht : 25/09/2020 11:43 am
Beiträge: 230
Reputable Member

I figured it out,

In this section of the forum the answer is given. How to.... get it working with WinPC-NC

happy lasering

SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021

Veröffentlicht : 04/12/2020 11:28 am